Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well, here I am. I have been dragged into the blogging world. Please allow me a little time to learn more about the "how to's" of posting. For those of you in Austrailia and elseware in the world, I will try to keep an update on my life here in the States. For those of you who were unfortunate enough not to be with me in Oz, I will post periodically on past adventures while having an abundace of pictures to portray my points (and I promise never to do that again.)



Jilb said...

First comment ever! Yeah!

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Colonel Havoc said...

Yes, I was here too...

jac-atac said...

Woooot. Yet another vulnerable everyman sucked into the blogosphere.

You will not escape.

Reinman said...

Four (five) down, two to go.

Jilb said...

No kidding! Get the rest of em' on board!

Unknown said...

hey mike. glad to see that u r doing well. :)

[ brooke ] said...

I don't believe it! You are now on my never-ending list of blogs. Congrats.

SuperStar said...

WElcome to the dark side.

The Lord works! You should, too... said...

Very glad to see you were dragged in.